Samuel, bring him to me at all cost

Wang Hai heavily exhaled while he continued to stare blankly at the female who coughed as she desperately continues to claw at the hem of his trouser with her bloody hand in an attempt to pull her upper body up.

He scoffed, his eyes closing in anger as he began to mutter a few curses under his breath before jerking his feet away from her grip, 

"Gosh! I ought to just…" Wang Hai yelled out in frustration as he sent a kick to her side, his expression darkening as her loud groan of pain echoed crudely across the room, while he continues his harsh assault. 

Eventually, after stomping her some more, Wang Hai pulled his feet away and gulped, his chest heaving as he roughly sweeps his hand through his hair, 

 "Hey." Wang Hai called out as he crouched before the female, and pulled her head up by her hair,

"What do you think you were doing touching me with that dirty hand? Uhn." Wang Hai muttered between gritted teeth, "Answer me!!" He growled.