Senior Citizens with interesting temperaments

On getting to the apartment building entrance, Feng Tian huffed as she continues to stare at the woman who pushed past her as they made their towards the vehicle. Sighing, she dusted herself, watching as the woman sweetly smiled at the seemingly oblivious Qi Yan who continue to allowed himself to be dragged along before gently pulling the back seat door open and then stepping in.

To Feng Tian's utter surprise, while she was still thinking of how to survive the entire car ride with Mrs Cheng sitting beside her, Qi Yan stepped into the back seat and settled beside her, 


"Miss Feng, don't worry, I will be driving, you just enjoy the car ride." Zhou Yishan who had settled himself in the driver's seat said while wriggling his brows at both of them. 

Loudly clearing his throat, Qi Yan was about to close the door when suddenly a hand stopped him, causing him to release his hold on the door lock.