Unbelievable! CEO of Royals is a she

The murmurs and whispers continue to go on and on, and while she continues to listen to them, Feng Tian could not help but wonder about what the people gathered in the room really thought of her, 

'They must think she has it all, after all, at such a young age she already became the CEO of a conglomerate.' Feng Tian thought.

It was so ironic, up until a few moments ago, she didn't even exist, she was just someone they gave a once over and shifted their eyes away from. To someone, she even looked like a bring-along accessory, but now, she was now the center of attention.

At that moment, Feng Tian didn't know how to react properly to the situation, so she just kept her face neutral, although at the same time she could not help but release a small snort inwardly.

'If only they knew.' Feng Tian thought.