Edward's abrupt request

 Feng Tian could not hide the surprised expression on her face as she continues to stare at the unfamiliar man standing in front of her. Although she didn't know where the idea came from, but she had actually thought the foundation's president was someone in his seventies or more, which was why it was so astonishing to find that he was a man who was probably just in his early forties.

Feng Tian didn't know much about the man, not that there was much about him out there anyway, he was someone she would say kept a low profile, and although she heard that in the past few years, some rumors have been circulating that he had a mysterious disease and that's why he never shows himself in the public, but thinking he was an elderly man, Feng Tian just thought he probably just wanted to keep to himself.

'But who knew he was this young?' Feng Tian thought.