Nice and gentle woman—Not!

Immediately Feng Tian's vehicle exited the premises, Edward exhaled, slowly lifting his hand to adjust his necktie before making his way toward the red Mercedes Benz by the corner.

Immediately, his assistant who had been waiting for his arrival quickly signaled to the driver who nodded before making his way towards the driver's seat and then settling in.

The assistant moved forward and offered Edward a slight bow, humming, Edwards was about to step into the vehicle when the assistant finally summon the courage to speak,


Slowly, Edward turned to face the man, his brows slightly raising as he noticed the nervous look on his face. 

"What is it?" 

"I apologize, should return home, your body…" Before he could finish his sentence, the assistant spotted the coldness that had instantly taken over Edward's features, instantly, the assistant paused, swallowing as he watches as Edward slowly shifted his body to directly face him.