Anger displays and Mrs Wang's accident

The moment Feng Tian spoke, the thick and tense silence that had instantly coated the air of the hospital room as the slightly older man and the two guards that were standing by the corner continued to stare at the steaming man standing by the adjoining room's door managed to betray the actual bustling atmosphere of a hospital.

No one dared to make a sound, all they could do was wait, wait for all hell to break loose, although, five seconds passed and to their utter surprise, nothing came, and as much as Wen Li would love to view this from a positive perspective, he could not, because not only did Tian Renfeng silence did nothing to stop his pounding heart, it instead made things worse.

Deciding he had to get Feng Tian out before Tian Renfeng began his anger display, Wen Li quickly broke the silence by loudly clearing his throat and then turning to face Feng Tian,