The Bitter truth from the past

Chun Huan's breath hitched the moment she connected eyes with the back view of the man she didn't notice was also sitting in the room, his back which was turned to the entrance, slightly flexing as he continues to swirl the whiskey glass in his hand around in small circles before lifting them to his lips again, 

'She, was he talking about her?'

'Who was he?' She couldn't help but wonder,

"The girl, how is she?" The man asked again as he brought the glass down, this time, his voice coming out a little deeper than the last.

"She's recovering." Answered Li Wei who had been standing silently by the corner of the room all the while,

"Hmm." The male muttered.

He was about to lift his whiskey glass to his lips again when he felt the cell phone on the table before him vibrate, slowly, the man lean forward and grabbed the phone, rigidly lifting it to his ear before muttering a rough 'Hello'