Feng Zhou's beliefs and the organization of the people that were deemed unworthy by the society

Feng Tian's heels made small clanking sounds as she proceeded further into the hospital room, towards the dimly source of light which she discovered was the moonlight which had managed to slip peacefully past the bright curtains of the only window in the hospital room almost immediately as her eyes landed on the seemingly familiar male figure sitting on the hospital bed. 

While she continued to stare at the seemingly familiar male who seemed lost as he stared blankly at the window view, Feng Tian released a soft breath and slowly pulled her feet to a stop.

 From where she was standing, Feng Tian could faintly make out the scars and slash mark that tainted the skin on his face, which she realized must have been difficult for her to notice due to the unfavorable situation they both were when they first met, and due to the fact that he was also covered in a considerate amount of blood she counted as much.