The familiar level of terror forever etched in their memory

Immediately Wang Hai left, the room's atmosphere slowly settled, and the once tense ambiance gave way to a profound, somber silence.

Sighing heavily, Feng Tian shifted her eyes towards the male beside her, watching as he slowly lifted his hand to cover his face before turning to face the window. His shoulders were heavy with the weight of complex emotions, and the turmoil within him was palpable, etched into every line on his face.

"Xiao Qiang."

"Son, look at me." Mrs Wang whispered as she stared at her son who refused to turn to face her, his shoulder tensed.

"Come." Mrs Wang implored weakly as she stretched her hands towards him,

"Please, I'm here, I'm okay now, it was just an accident." Mrs Wang whispered. Her voice trembling as it reduced to an octave.

Charlie turned to face her, his gaze locking onto his mother's tearful eyes. The pain etched across his face was raw and undeniable. "An accident!" he retorted.