The weight of the past memories

Feng Zhou observed the young boy in front of him, his keen eyes noting how the child timidly made eye contact and then retreated behind Feng Tian for protection. A deep sigh escaped him, choosing to suppress his anger.

In reality, Feng Zhou had never harbored any intention of expelling Xiao Tang from the villa. Though initially taken aback by the boy's sudden appearance, but when the staff confirmed that it was Feng Tian who found him and brought him to the villa. He quickly deduced that she must have a good motive for bringing the child into the villa. And perhaps, she saw something in him. Because why else would she go to such great lengths to keep the boy at the villa if she didn't have a good reason to?

Clearing his throat audibly, Feng Zhou gestured towards the young boy and adopted a calmer tone.

"Alright, young man, how old are you?" he inquired, his eyes flicking between Xiao Tang and Feng Tian, who subtly prompted the boy to answer.