The it off

On seeing the smile on Feng Tian's face, the association head's expression immediately soured, the frown initially etched on his features deepening further as her smile persisted, unwavering and seemingly devoid of any concern.

It was a smile that grated on his nerves, a stark reminder of her indifference to the plight of the protesters outside, enduring the blistering sun while she sat comfortably, indulging in her meal as if nothing else mattered. To the association head, Feng Tian's smile felt like a slap in the face, a brazen display of arrogance that only fueled his disdain for her. He saw through the facade, believing it as a mere mask concealing the true nature of the woman before him. 'Alright, Feng Tian, let's see if you can still smile after this!'

With a dismissive wave of his hand, the association head scoffed, "Save your efforts; I'm not here to eat." His voice dripped with lazy arrogance, the tone biting as he waved off the departing chef.