Blood And Bones 2

I'm trying to keep my fears under control, but it's hard when they seem to be constantly looming over me, right now as I dig, with every thrust of my sword into the dirt I hurriedly look over my shoulder, trying to see if it heard me.

I'm not sure why I'm even bothering to dig, but I made a decision a dozen minutes ago and I'm sticking to it. It's the most logical and safest option, so I have to see it through, even if it's hard!!


A figure walked aimlessly around the abandoned village, shouting some grunts and howls here and there, looking for something, perhaps prey.

The only issue was that its head wasn't cut all the way off, leaving it dangling from a piece of flesh, with gray blood flowing like a small stream from its neck.

This creepy, lanky figure, clad in tattered and bloodstained leather clothes, walked around the abandoned village, leaving a grisly trail of gray blood in its wake.

The scene was eerily reminiscent of something out of a low-budget horror movie. First, there was the antagonist, who had no lines to say, only grunts and wails, when he hears something nearby. And lastly, you have a cheaply made environment.

There was a series of tidy and neat wooden structures - like a cabin in the woods. These log cabins were crudely made from massive tree trunks. Those tree trunks were cut in half, with the coarse side facing the outside, leaving a smoother surface for the inside. The cabins were small, with one room for sleeping.

The only thing special about this place is that I wasted my brainpower designing it. I designed a fireplace for cooking and eating, a small pit that was shallow and well-positioned for better air supply and heat. As for wealthy tribesmen who own cattle, I designed a better house - a rectangle with more space for cattle in it.

After all ! At this age, pigs and chickens sleep in the house where it's warm and safe. The only exception is the livestock structure - My barn. The barn is a building used exclusively for the housing, raising, feeding, and sheltering of my livestock.

"Who in their right mind would want to sleep with smelly and muddy pigs?" I remember thinking to myself when I decided to build a special barn for my cattle.

It has been almost two hours since I made contact with this zombie, and everything about him is almost like the zombies I know.

Yet, there are some features that are new to me. He has bloodshot eyes and pale skin - so pale that I could see his gray veins from afar. His teeth are broken and rotting from all the stones he's eaten; he has an unexplainable bald head; he cannot feel pain, and he is slower compared to the Normal Bo.

Meanwhile, I have been carefully analyzing his movements and bestial reflexes for any weaknesses. Yes, this Bo is a true Beast! This zombie only grabs anything that makes a noise; he goes to it and simply grabs it to eat.

-His head, that is only held by a piece of flesh, ate anything that moved which was unscientific -.

The distance also plays a major factor in how well Zombie Bo can hear or see. For example, if I throw a pebble more than twenty meters away from him, he won't be able to hear it.

Earlier, when I had narrowly escaped The Zombie, I had checked each door to make sure the settlement was truly abandoned - not a soul in sight.

I tried the next best thing and ran away. Unfortunately, I couldn't cross the gate or fence. Every time I try to pass the Woden fence, it's like hitting an invisible barrier that's trapping me inside this creepy, abandoned settlement.

"Killing the zombie is the only way out," I read on the blue panel, which showed itself when I tried jumping the wooden fence.

I've thought of so many different ways to end this zombie that has terrified me for what feels like an eternity. I've lost count of how many times I've said to myself, "if all of this is just a dream, I'll wake up soon and it will all be over." But alas, this is not a dream; it's a nightmare that I'm really living through.

I chose the safest way I could think of to end this.

First, I need to stop this strong man. I need to incapacitate him somehow, then I'll have all the time in the world to end him.

Since I don't know how to kill him, I'll burn him to ashes and see if his ashes will move without the wind.

So, like any savvy hunter in my tribe, I simply made a trap: a pitfall!

I chose a faraway, isolated palace so that the roaming zombie wouldn't be able to hear me digging a deep two-meter hole.

I dug a hole in the ground and lined it with sharp sticks that I found near the creepy, abandoned settlement.

I had then covered the hole with leaves and dirt so it would be camouflaged.

I actually debated myself — since from what I had seen, this zombie had no human awareness — should I make the trap very visible or camouflage it?

I took the safe option and waited for my prey to fall into my trap. I guided it there - this zombie can't see from far away; thankfully, I have perfect vision.

I took advantage of that by grabbing a handful of pebbles and guiding the zombie toward the trap. I was patient and waited for the zombie to get closer and closer until it was just a step away from the edge of my trap. Then, I simply threw a pebble in the middle of the trap, causing the zombie to pounce toward it while screeching. When it puts its weight on the leaves and dirt covering the pitfall, it fell to its death.

How do I know that?

With a 'Ding' that sounded like a victory bell, I finally heard something from the silent 'system' in front of me. The sky blue panel was telling me that the zombie I'd been scheming for Hours was officially dead.

I shouted in happiness and glee, and without knowing it, tears began to flow from my eyes—tears of joy. I roared in laughter as my body just fell on its knees, relieved, like a boulder was lifted from my shoulders. It was finally over. The nightmare was finally over.

[Ding! 1 Exp Gained from Killing a Level 1 Zombie

Tutorial session Completed.

Congratulations Player, you have survived.

No additional in-game rewards will be given.]

[You have 4 hours, 23 minutes, and 11 seconds left before you are forcefully ejected from this Space.

A new wave Of zombies is coming in 7 days, 12 hours, 23 minutes .

Please, prepare well .]

"NO!" I screamed desperately towards the sky, thinking "Please, no! This can't be happening! A new wave of what? Zombies??" Suddenly, I noticed that two distinct countdowns were initiated and addressed in the blue control panel in front of me.

I have approximately 4 hours until I will be forcefully ejected from this space. The good news is that I will be able to leave soon. However, the bad news is that there is a new, more virulent wave of Zombies who will be hitting me soon!


The sky blue panel showed a message that made me elated beyond belief. Laughing uproariously, I shouted towards the sky, "I don't know if this is real! I don't even know how I got here!! I swear I'll never come back!"

[Do you want to be ejected (Y/N?]

"Yes, I want to be ejected!" I shouted again, my voice laced with hope and anticipation.


Ejected in 1.. .2 ...3]

[Welcome To Safe House 1]

A strong white light shone in my eyes, and I felt an intense wave of dizziness hit my brain. I found myself feeling light-headed and giddy, yet I remembered the scene that played out when I peeked from my door. It was the same scene, just in reverse. And when I opened my eyes, I found myself in my new house, undecorated and bland. I felt those same feelings I felt when coming to this creepy and damp land--confused, lost, and scared. I didn't know if I was genuinely here or how I got there. I didn't know what to do.