WebNovelSexy Tail83.33%

Lucy Vs Flare

Lucy's POV

I was so excited, the games were official underway and things looked good, there were six teams, Lamia Scale which had Lyon and a few other guys along with Sherry and a busty younger girl. Mermaid Heel, which is apparently run by women and all the men of that guild are submissive. There was Raven Tail, a guild with only one woman in it. Blue Pegasus a guild where the men weren't buff but more handsome, the girls were all like models too. Lastly there was Sabertooth where that girl I met the other day was from...oh and us too duh! Apparently the couples you submit for your team don't have to be like...different couples so like one girl can compete with multiple men, which is why Sabertooth and Lamia Scale only have two girls, they don't care so long as the team as a whole is five couples, so you could have six players (One girl and five guys) or ten like we do.

For the first event everyone needed to have a couple play, so we sent Gray and Juvia. The contest was something called Hidden. The girls would be hidden amongst a bunch of fake images and it was up to the guys to find and fuck the real ones.

The contest started and there were suddenly dozens of really sexy girls in tiny outfits walking down the streets of this illusion city.

Gray was already on the hunt, he walked up behind a girl from

Lucy's POV

It was time for the second part of day one, the combat portion and I was up first in the first one of the day.

"Wish me luck!" I bounced down to the field in a purple team top and short skirt.

I went down to the field and smiled at the crowd, everyone seemed excited to see us compete.

"And her opponent from Raven Tail, Flare Corona!"

The other tunnel opened up and a curvy woman with long red hair, large breasts and wide hips walked out, her body covered in a tight low-cut dress, her lips smeared with dark lipstick.

"Blondie…" she hummed looking at me.

"Let's have fun kay!" I smiled.

"The goal of the combat rounds is to best your opponent." The announcer said "It's about endurance here, the one who makes their opponent climax first will be declared the winner."


"HA!" I gasped.

As soon the match started, before I could even start an attack, Flare's hair broke out of its braid and surrounded me, snagging my wrist and ankles to lift me up.

"Spreading your legs so easily." Flare said as her hair snaked into my underwear "What a good little slut!"

"OHHH!" I moaned as she shredded my clothes with her hair.

I liked that outfit!

"Such big tits, how soft." She squeezed me and pulled me closer "I'll make you cum lots blondie."

My nipples were tugged and pulled on the tight wrap of her hair digging into my skin.

This feels so good, her hair is so warm and it's rubbing me all over!

I moaned again as she pulled off my panties and started sliding her hair over my wet pussy, once more I couldn't stop from drooling and moaning as she made me feel something I hadn't before.

"HAAA!" I gasped yet again as she pulled me over her face and started eating me out while her hair still pulled and pumped against my tits.

Her tongue…how's it so deep?!

It felt like she was snaking her tongue deep into, her hair was pulling on my nipples and making me feel so good, I couldn't hold back at all.

"HAAA!" I sprayed my juices all over her first.

"The winner is Flare Corona of Raven Tail!"

"Wait…oh I wasn't supposed to cum!" I whined.

"Dumb blondie." Flare giggled.


The Other two matches went almost as quickly, Ren of Blue Pegasus used his big black cock to fuck Arian Webb into submission and then Sherry of Lamia scale lost too Sabertooth. All in all the first day was simple, it would set the pace for what would follow.

"My there are so many interesting people here, it almost makes me miss the guild." Erza watched "But Lucy is still such a slut, cumming so easily like that, maybe I should go back and get my sweet Acnologia so he can conquer all these women."