Nirvana Temple

The so-called Buddhist Holy Land couldn't be said to be a faction because it was the entire Western Continent with many temples within it.

In fact, there is no so-called faction among Buddhists, it might be more correct to say that all Buddhists are one single faction.

At the center of the continent, there was a gigantic temple, shaped like a hill and surrounded by thousands of stone towers.

Qin Yuan estimated it was ten times bigger than the earth. Ordinary eyes definitely can't see the other side of the temple.

The entire temple looked deserted, but outside the temple, there were countless monks and ordinary people.

Among those ordinary people, there was no shortage of experts like the Saint Ancestor. Some meditated facing the temple, some prostrated themselves, and some just watched leisurely.

This is the Nirvana Temple, the core of the Buddhist Holy Land.