Almost Dead

"yeee, almost two hours wasted." Qin Yuan shook his head.

He thought the Queen would be angry if it weren't for his charm.

Now she just kept quiet and immediately took him to the last lake.

The last lake doesn't look any different from the other lakes.

The only thing that was different was that about a few hundred meters behind the lake there was a very large garden with flowers of thousands of different colors.

There, you can see various types of bees, butterflies, birds, and other flying animals. They were of normal size but emitted a mountain-like aura, not inferior to those Giant Beasts.

Even though he was quite far from them, Qin Yuan could already feel their piercing gazes fixed on him and the Sky Butterfly Queen.

"There should be something I'm looking for here," said the Sky Butterfly Queen.

She looked at Qin Yuan and continued, "I will do it quickly, so do your job quickly too, I think it will be quite dangerous!"