Hell Snake Poison


[Seeking the entrance of the Heavenly Palace, you will get 100,000 Karma Points.]

[Seeking the Heavenly Palace key, you will get 25,000 Karma Points.]

[Note: The mission is valid only once.]

"Wow, isn't the bounty too high?" Qin Yuan was amazed.

[Because finding the door is very difficult, that's why some people have keys but can't get in.] System answered.

Eternal Star City seemed bustling when Qin Yuan returned, he heard some people talking about fighting.

"That damn man, he lost and ended up using poison, a man doing that to a woman, really shameless!"

"Yeah, I hope we attack the Holy Light Sect for revenge, I can't accept the Sword Goddess being treated like that."

"Too bad the ancestor has not returned, I believe he will take revenge, rumors say he has a special affection for the Sword Goddess."


Qin Yuan quickly gathered information.