Mother and Daughter Chat


[Obtaining the Hidden Heaven, one of the Nine Heavenly Treasures, you will gain 200,000 Karma Points.]

Qin Yuan who was on his way to visit Jian Yixue opened his mouth slightly when he saw the mission that suddenly appeared.

"System, isn't this too much?" He couldn't help but ask.

[I'm sure it matches the difficulty level!]

The System's reply made Qin Yuan think.

'Am I not going to make it this time?'

'However, if even using the Immortal Devouring doesn't work, then what else can be used to obtain that Hidden Heaven?'

Qin Yuan stopped his steps and thought of another plan if it didn't work.

The problem is; if that failed, the Dragon or the possessor of the Hidden Heaven would probably expel Jian Yixue.

It would make Qin Yuan lose the spy in that place.

'Mnmm, I don't think it will go that far if Jian Yixue can convince him that I just accidentally discovered an oddity and came...'