More Than Win

"Kid, quickly retreat." The Goddess shouted as she realized something.

Of course, realizing now was useless.

From Qin Yuan's palm, a mighty explosive sound resounded, directly shaking the entire Sacred Tree Realm. The Heaven King who was too close to Qin Yuan found an invisible force pressing down on his body, making him unable to move at all.

"A-aa…" He opened his mouth.

Right after that, Qin Yuan's hand suddenly enlarged, so big that it looked like it could crush a hundred Great Worlds simultaneously. Such strength was simply unimaginable, even the entire Divine World was no different from ants.

"Eternal Star, stop it, we can make a pact." Before the hand reached the Heaven King's body, Qin Yuan received a message from the Goddess via voice transmission.

He looked at her but just smirked. "Now you can't stop me," he said, through voice transmission as well.