
Hearing the Devil Ancestor's words, Holy Dragon's beautiful and cold face blushed for a moment.

The thing was that what the man said was the truth.

She herself felt younger because she had been acting high for too long. Just now, she made love, got naked in front of a man and let him do various things to her body.

And she really liked it.

Taking a deep breath, she snorted softly to the Devil Ancestor.

"Better watch your words if you understand your situation or I will make you die," she said coldly.

Under ordinary circumstances, the Devil Ancestor would definitely not be afraid.

However, the current situation did not allow him to act as he pleased, so he stopped speaking.

Meanwhile, Qin Yuan said to the Holy Dragon. "Darling, I want to take that weapon, can you help me?"

Being called darling by Qin Yuan in front of people, the Holy Dragon's face blushed again. This time, even her breathing became rapid.