Chapter 204 Blood Demon 2

"You don't know me? I'm kinda disappointed given I've been with you since the beginning of your journey" the figure laughed.

"You have been with me, who are you?"

"Do I need to answer that, you should know this place is going to be your cage for all eternity"

"W-What are you talking about?" Ray asked with a shaky voice.

"I'm the blood demon and thank you for waking me from my sleep"

"Blood demon...what do you want with me? And how did I awaken you?" Ray asked in a low voice.

"What do I want from still can't figure out, well allow me to introduce myself, I am Kaan the blood demon and you are using my weapon" the figure spoke.

" am I using your weapon, I don't have any..." Ray paused as everything started to make sense to him.

"Did you figure it out?" the figure chuckled softly.

'So my blood spear belongs to him, a demon' Ray said inwardly.