Chapter 269 Departure

"The same enemy attacked Avalon twice and nothing had been done about it, which kingdom is responsible for this?" the king shouted.

"We still don't know," Wilfred said with his head down.

"Get me the war commander" the king shouted and Wilfred rushed out immediately.

Boreas who was the war commander had heard the news and was already on his way to the royal palace, his house was close to the palace so he arrived a few seconds later on his black horse.

The royal palace was a huge mansion decorated by a skilled designer, its beauty couldn't be described in words, flowers covered the surroundings, and shiny marbles were used to decorate the ground.

Royal guards stood around along with normal knights who were afraid of the Royal guards despite guarding the same thing.

Boreas was already in the palace and now he was heading to the king's throne room, he knew the king must have heard of the situation so he would definitely be summoned.