Get rid of the nymphs in your bathroom.

Though Ahmar has promised her that he will be at the best of his behaviour, she still felt a little jumpy as she took off her clothes. Every time there was a little or so noise, she would jump but then she will realise that the sounds weren't of someone coming in but the little pixies who liked to sneak inside the bathroom and play around a little. Heart thudding against her chest she somehow managed to undress and get inside the water, where she was startled by a myriad of nymphs who surged out of the water with excitement but then one by one their smile fell. 

"It's you, we thought that it will be that handsome hunk," said one of the nymphs, as she looked at Bree with discontent as if it was Bree who was ruining her mood with her presence. 

" I was sooooo waiting for him," sighed another with her hands clasping her cheeks. " He is so handsome, and his abs—- they  are something to die for, I swear if I could, I would have died a hundred times already."