An azure

" Do you really have to make that face huh?" asked Bree as she walked past the corridor, dawn was slowly approaching and the corridor was lit up with the evening rays of the sun casting an orangish hue on the portraits on the wall. Each portrait belonged to the previous ruler of the Dragniere empire with tons of facts listed under them, facts that no one will bother reading because they knew what kind of ruler these people were exactly. 

Dion who was walking behind her had an expression that was full of fear and puckered up lips as if he was looking for a quick way to die before meeting the leader of the nymphs. "I am just trying to tell you, your majesty, if something happens to me then I will be submitting a request for my salary to be increased—— Woah!" 

He slipped down the ice sleet while he wasn't paying attention and winced as his head hit the ground and the thin layer of ice was shattered a bit due to the impact.