Find out what happened to Queen

" The Queen refused to see me?" Yakov glared a hole at the top of Dion's head as if he was wishing to see why exactly the queen refused to see him despite him coming to see her, this was something that he hasn't expected. Though she was still holding him at a distance it was better than before at least she was talking to him every now and then, they were even getting along well together so why was it that all of a sudden that she was refusing to see him? 

His wolf pressed against his surface, he could smell the scent of his mate and be furious upon not being able to see her. His wolf was simply a metaphysical existence and he didn't understand why they couldn't see their mate when they wanted to, with a low guttural snarl, he swiped his claw at Yakov's guts egging him to let go of the formalities and just walk right in the office after taking care of the man who was stopping them from seeing what was theirs to hold and keep.