Potion of multus

Dedicating todays chapter to 394everr

The three of them turned silent while the young unicorn elf's ear drooped, Bree wanted to say something to lift the spirits of the young elf but she couldn't think of anything what was she supposed to say to a young elf like her? Everything will be fine? But how was she supposed to say that when she did not even know what to say to make the young elf happy?

She and Blaise turned to Yakov after all he was the one whose brain seemed to work faster than the two of them combined but the thing was that Yakov's EQ was just as worse as best his IQ was, he didn't sense their gaze instead he took a breath and then looked at the unicorn elf before asking the one question that has been on his mind for a long time, " You said that you and your group was moving from the forest right but as far as I know this is not the season for you to move."