Welcome home

The air seem to standstill. The atmosphere became ridiculously uncomfortable. His sullen look and her shocked expression belittle the writer.

Janet thought for a while and wanted to come clean " Actually..i..i.".

However Henry burst into a contiguous laughter that seemed to make the dull weather brighter. This left a mild smile on Janet's face , she examine each of his wonderful features selfishly and secretly.

" I'm sorry am not as good at jokes at you . You should have seen your face " he spoke with a chuckle.

Seriously, between Yeimy and Henry . Yeimy had always been the one who could crack jokes .

Janet smiled awkwardly " I am glad i amused you "

On the drive home she could not stop thinking about what had happened. How he laughed, he seem so happy. it was the image and the person she saw at the office were to opposite coins. She had been his PA for three months and only knew he was heartless , merciless he was .

She remembered three years ago when she asked for a leave, a one day leave since it was her birthday unfortunately he gave her sacked letter . If not of Yeimy, she would not have held her respect and dignity before leaving. Jane spent years loathing him and wished he died a horrific death. Now she understands that she only misjudged him .He may seem cold to others but he's a Casanova by heart.

The car drive into a huge gate . It was fenced by barbed wires and lots of guards as if it was the White House. The guards dressed in all black and stood like mane quins,the robots in the matrix, no movement. They bowed as the car passed through the gate . There was a long driveway and everywhere was decorated with plants and flowers.

They passed through a fingerprint sensor. Where Henry unlocked and a meter detector then a retina scan.

The scan , scan through Janet new features and accepted but her eyes triggered on the alarm .

The guards who were standing as statues suddenly hovered around her with guns pointing at her small head .

Fortunately she didn't falter she and James had been through situations like this many times. Especially when they had to visit Black markets for scoops.

" What are you doing Bastard, take that off " Henry scolded thunderously.

They all took a step back in unison like trained monkeys . " Tomorrow we will re-registered your fingerprint and retina scan " he assured her as he examine the worry in her eyes.

As they continued to drive in , more guards where present. She turned and gave the handsome figure driving a skeptical look ' Who are you really.?. Are a mafia of some kind ' she couldn't help but think.

He could feel her burning suspicious gaze on him " No worries hon, it's for our safety . Sorry for the trouble " he tone was more softer , more like... pleading.

They arrived at a huge villa. Janet eyes opened in shock of her elegantly the house was designed.

Janet calm herself down by taking in huge breathes for whatever she does now will raise or trigger suspicion. He didn't even explained the reason why his family was absent. From what she knew he was not an ophan and his entire family lived in the city itself not far from her previous home. ' Are they not close , why is there so much security ' Janet thought again as her glare falls on cameras and guards on the roofs of the Villa and the other quarters.

The world home brought unshed tears in her eyes. She had a mother , brother, grandmother and Fiance all left behind for a total stranger home. Janet Kissed them terribly it's been seven months since she last saw them .

She genuinely wanted to keep her promise yet only realized her difficult it will be.

" Urgh " She gasped in shocked as warm big hands held her thin waist and pulled her into his arms. He took a long sniff of her hair . The smell of his masculin fragrance flew into her nostrils she felt a sense of familiarity.

" Welcome home sweetheart " he kissed her hair swiftly. His blue eyes look more enchanting than ever , they were calling her for a swim.

" C'mon..let's go " he said raising a brow.

Jane smiled nervously and fake a chuckle " It's good to be back " .

She could not speak much for she knew almost nothing about Yeimy Hårt.

If she remembered correctly Yeimy would always use slangs like ' I beg , Why not , Silly monkey , Rabbit , Of course..not , tsk , anything else ' and she always Love twirling and rolling her eyes.

The headache rose again, she was unconscious, but as soon as she was awake , she finds herself in a crazy scenario you will read in movies and in films only .

The door , the door was pure gold and exquisite to a fault. The golden doors were also opened with a Henry's fingerprint.

An elderly lady and several servants rushed out.

Sofia , the eldest maid smiled kindly " Young madam , Welcome home "

During this time Janet was more focused at the alluring and bewitching design from the paint to the furniture. It was a pure mixture of classy and simple, modern and old fashioned. They blended incredulously.

In fact , in her mind she was taking on several mathematics to find out how much the designs are .

" Ma'am, your interior designer is second to none " Sofia praised with bowed head. She had noticed her intently stare .

Janet was awestruck by what the maid just said . ' Wow , Mrs Yeimy was so talented ' she thought as she explored with her eyes .

" Ok , don't stress you self out " Henry said calmly. He carried her in a bridal style towards an elevator with golden doors . " Someone had missed you a lot " he spoke mischievously with a sinister grin.

Janet mind went into complete panic. Subconsciously she held to his shirt tighter