Five million dollars

The inside of the ' First Class Jewelry ' was humongous. They had servants handed out snacks and alcohol. They were very friendly and smiled round the clock. Their uniforms were well ironed limited edition professional suits.

The Jewelry showcased had a atleast one person who would tell you the history of the jewelry and it's creator .

From bracelets to engagement and wedding rings—essentially any piece of jewelry—retailers are seeing a huge trend toward customization.


Sally Austen heaved a sigh of boredom nothing happened. She really wanted to see the perpetrator face . She walked like a slug back to her son

They had spent the entire day searching for the right jewelry for grandma Vera for her unrevealing at the Red Mall. Sally knew this invitation was the beginning of a new social life . Her daughter only gave her bills at the hospital due to her weak heart thankfully her death gave her fame .

The media is on her tail to sympathize with her loss and help her in her bereft moment.

" Ma'am how about this necklace " a man asked impatiently. These people had been here all day and never bought anything. Her son only kept eating snacks and taking shots .

Even though he saw them as social climbers he still could not kick them out .

Janet sat on an exquisite fairly strong bubble chair , she wanted to get up and go home but decided to rest for a while. However, she could not wait any longer for Abigail, so she strolled , towards around the building. Taking the elevator she went to the High class floor. Her mind was a mess and she could not see where she was going very clearly . Though her eyes were open she could not see . Then a very agitated familiar voice echoed in her small ears . " Mom that's enough shopping for today " .

Janet stood quite still anxiously waiting and listening for anymore sound to prove it wasn't her hallucinations.

Somewhere , people were talking, whispering and such jumble of words but theirs were silent to her ears .

In her heart , the inner , inner part of her left chest , she could feel it . She was aware that the voice could only belong to her Brother Ellice Austen .

Sally Austen a short , fat and little bit brown Skin woman swayed her hips attractively, pushing her short blonde hair pretending it was getting in her way . She had headphones on listening to Harry styles' As it was '. She wore too much make-up but still looking extremely beautiful.

" Ahh " Janet shouted painfully , Sally had bumped into her and she fell off and bruised her knee .

" What have done this time mom , this Shop is full of weathly people " a mild voice came from behind. He had kinky black hair and brown eyes with a well built body and a six packs of a god (Thor ) , transparent from his light yet expensive shirt and he wore a seductive cologne. .. He was dressed expensively. It was Ellice Austen .

In the moment, Janet was crying profusely for she had family met her family in a very unusual way while Sally thought she was badly hurt .

The thought of running away in a speed of lightening unfortunately in her weight it was impossible. Except the world was flat or meat pie was not made out of real meat .

She( Sally Austen) murmured self cursing words .

" Sorry ma'am " he helped Janet to stand up straight .

Janet wiped her tears and smiled kindly " It's ok , Eliice your sister is fine "

Sally frowned upon hearing this deeply. Her face was now urgly and twisted, frown lines appeared on her forehead.

Ellice Austen stared in shock " How did you know my name.

Author's note

My other books " Hold Me Captive... Forever blurb

Hattie McDaniel the only successor of McDaniel buildings is said to commit suicide by taking too much of drugs in the Us. In truth , she left the US after breaking her engagement with Dylan , she broke up with him because her bestfriend Meet Taylor told her , Dylan had drugged and raped her . In the Us she was accused for smuggling drugs and sentenced to fifteen years of imprisonment. In prison , she  gave birth. However, she was told that a responsible family would take care of the child. Nonetheless she hid in the truck to see how true this was, unfortunately in the ride her son was shot till death .The murderers sensed her presence and she was buried alive right before she was buried .Reborn in another body revenge is inevitable.

I don't own cover ok

***" Caution the below is not out of segregation, I'm sorry but I like to portray real people. And how much suffering colour people go through. If you see racism report it but it's not in this book .


Back to the book

Charlie smiled viciously. The first phase of her plan was already in action. Alas , her happy moment was just an allusion.

" Hey , sun tanned where is McBurney " Abigail Mac Adams yelled from across the room shamelessly. The men lusted at her and women despised her .

As infuriated as Charlie was she could only smile faintly how could she bite the slender hands that fed her .

" I said where is McBurney " Abigail Mac Adams questioned again, this time with a frown.

Skillfully and highly talented like AALISHA Panwar , Charlie wore a pitiful look and said in a low yet cautious tone " I been searching for her "

" Yes , you been searching for her by showing your yellow corn teeth like a happy mad man "

Abigail Mac Adams had always been insultive and rude and at the moment she wasn't in her right senses.

Abigaill gritted her teeth and added " I went out with William for a puff or two and you lost her . Your fired sun tanned . Useless girl " Abigail Mac Adams yelled to the hearing of everyone.