I didn't steal anything

" Aha " Janet screamed in pain as they man mishandled her .

" Why the hell are you here social climber . How dare you steal a black card and move freely " the husky fellow ruffled her blonde Hair.

" Thank God, i was alerted and i watched your every move . You kissed that guy shamelessly and still your wearing a wedding ring. Hey .... Where did you steal that from that is a real diamond . " The man dragged her along recklessly.

Janet exerted some strength " let go of me Asshole... I did nothing and stole nothing. Give me the black card you thief "

The officer felt even more resentful. He hated social climbers. " The owner of this card is at the top floor . She said it's her card . Come On " he pulled Janet by her hair once again.

Out of sense of danger or you could say défense she kicked him on his penis . He crouched in pain but still did not let her go . Janet bit his hand to let go .

In a response he pushed her hard , she fell on the tile bruising the same knee again. She let out a small sigh of pain. Janet looked around for help , suspiciously the floor had been cleared out . She struggled to get to her bag inorder to call for help . The first name was Henry not even the police.

The man pain had not subsided he walked in a lopsided gait and pulled Janet's hair . She screamed in pain.

" Corporate with me for anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law . If you do not have a lawyer, the state will provide one. " He rushed to hold her by her head.

" Bang " some one hit him from behind with a board .


Mrs. Mac Adams while paying for a jewelry she noticed something. In fact someone particular which she could recognize even the person's ashes.

She thought for a while quite unsure " Abigail Adams ".

It was indeed Abigail stringing along Charlie in search of Janet Austen.

" Abigail over here " she waved vigorously to get Abigail's attention.

In a swift turn Abigail saw her mother , her eyes lit up with hope. The dried tears around her eyes were wiped out my new , fresh ones .

In a bolt of lightning, she fell in her mother's warm embrace " Mom i can not find my friend "

Mrs. Mac Adams frowned slightly " Which friend , you have only two friends "

" Harsh , g mom . Way to go to embarrass me in public . Your indirectly telling people i am a freak who had no friends "

" Am i lieing, you have Charlie and that over ambitious slut ... Aha that stupid name "

Charlie stood away not far enjoying the scene that played effortlessly.

Immense happiness ran through her core , she smiled widely. First Mrs. Adams considered her as her daughter's friend and Yeimy she considers a slut .

The onlookers gave her another idea . She walked up to Mrs. Mac Adams and greeted respectfully.

" Greetings ma'am "

" Oh , beauty. How are you ? " She blushed shyly.

" I am fine ma'am "

" That's awesome, tell me your secret to your glow . Don't tell me is another man like that slut you have for a friend " she snapped in anger .

Charlie smiled proudly " Miss. McBurney is not my friend "

Mrs. Mac Adams ruffled her sandy hair " Good girl , unlike that golden logs "

" Enough sandy and oldie . I am in search of my friend , my only friend. And you while are you following me like a circus trained monkey . I got it, your new nickname is monkey. By the way I thought i fired you . Get lost " Abigail Mac Adams said maliciously.

Slowly tears formed in Charlie's eyes , she could not believe Abigail would say such harsh words and did not considered her as a friend.


Janet Austen allowed herself to creep with the pain. It was not longer as painful and now had a or taken a dull ... Numbing character.

She heard somes of people fighting. She turned her head slightly " James Clinton " she could only say in a whisper .

( To be continued )


Author's note . Preview of my other book.

       They gang of thugs , buried Hattie alive . Hattie knocks on the coffin and calls out for help but she loses consciousness and died

.**present **

     Hattie wakes up from the bad dream , worried eyes were on her . Her forehead is covered with cold sweats and her cheeks flushed.

     " Are you ok Hate " Léon Zhang asked touching her forehead.

        " Just those..nightmares again " she said helplessly.

      " I was right all along coming back to city G was a very bad idea . Paul take us back to the airport "

     " No " Hattie exclaimed ferociously.

    " We can't leave yet , i have not had my revenge " Hattie touches her stomach " i still owe my son justice for his dead " as she spoke tears fell off her eyes. " Plus revenge is best served cold. "

    Léon who has known her for two years now , it was his first time seeing her crying. He felt helpless and his heart ached. So he could not say no.

        Hattie McDaniel the only successor of McDaniel buildings is said to commit suicide by taking too much of drugs in the Us. In truth , she left for the US after breaking her engagement with Dylan , she broke up with him because her bestfriend Meet Taylor told her , Dylan had drugged and raped her . In the Us she was accused for smuggling drugs and sentenced to fifteen years of imprisonment. In prison , she  gave birth. However, she was told that a responsible family would take care of the child. Nonetheless she hid in the truck to see how true this was, unfortunately in the ride her son was shot to death .The murderers sensed her presence and she was buried alive right before she was buried she heard the name of the perpetrator ' Meet Taylor '. Taking a new face and identity as Ellinor Zhang mostly known as 'Mrs Hate 'she returned to the city G for revenge.

       In Lin mansion. 

      A five year boy runs around the house. His nanny Su Han runs after him. His has dark brown curly hair and black shining eyes. His white cheeks are dimpled.

    " Young Master please stop , i can't.." The nanny stood panting. She could not longer run after him.

    " No , i will not go to school today without talking to my father " Ai Lin said , he sent out his tongue at the nanny.

       Meet Taylor watches this from the top of the staircase .She smiles wickedly. Meet immediately strolls down stairs " oh no my son , what can i tell you. Your dad does not live here , he doesn't want to marry your mother " she feigns crying.

    Ai Lin rushes to his mother , he could not bear her crying " Mom , i am sorry i will tell dad " the child pouts his lips and grits his teeth angrily.

    Su han sees this and frowns deeply.' This woman will never change her technique after shamelessly using the same emotional blackmail using this poor child to get Mr Lin engaged to her and now ... I wished young madam was still alive " Su han left dejectedly.

      " Ok my son , go to school now . See mommy is fine " she assured him flexing her muscles.

    " Are you sure" Ai asked worriedly.

    " Yes Ai " she replied smiling broadly.

Meet tickles the boy and he giggles in jollity


     In McDaniels buildings. The whole company is in a chaos for Mrs Hate is on her way . This deal is super important to the McDaniels buildings. If Mrs Hate refused or turned down a deal that company literally crumbles to ashes .

     The board members are family members of the McDaniels buildings. They are all in panicked. Their secretaries stood by each of them statue like. They are physical and mentally prepared for anything holding a stack of documents.

       Hérold McDaniel, the CEO walks in with a calm face .His is a tall handsome elderly man . His white hair bears proof of his knowledge and experience. He takes the CEO seat .

Meet eyes fall on the seat and a flash of jealousy runs across her pale face.

   His eyes fall on Meet Taylor who is very nervous . " Dad , this deal is very huge " she exclaims clasping her hand.

    Meet is a tall brown skin girl, she natively än indian from the West . She has black long hair and black eyes. She's really pretty with a side dimple.

   The other family members grit their teeth at her presence for she isn't a family member. However, Meet is aware of their hatred but  she  pretends to not notice. She knows after this deal with will bring hundred of millions they will finally accept her and in the sooner future they will vote for her to become the CEO.

     Hérold smiles lightly " Dear , first rule of business never show your facial expressions. Be calm " 

    Meet pretends to be calm but fails . Hérold smiles at her . He was touched on how much effort she ha put into the project , he was skeptical about her taking over the business but is quite sure now .

    " Mrs. Zhang is here. " Carolina Perez, Meet's PA  announced. Cold sweats cover her mango shape face .


     Hattie stood infront of the building, paparazzi takes pictures of her.  She smiles briefly...

Is on light reading. I promise this is the last promote.

** Back to the book "

" James Clinton " she said in a barely audible voice.

Today i posted two chapters. Hope you enjoy.

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