If there's interesting work to be had anywhere, it'll be in the barn. McKenna is likely there right now. A bit of sibling time could hardly go amiss. [+Blood]


You set off at a trot, bare feet slapping the ground.

The barn is in an unusual flat patch on your family's hilly property, erected between the croplands and the carriage path that leads to Billingsley and realms beyond. A much smaller granary with hay loft and root cellar are wedged into the earth closer to the house, leaving the superior, more accessible location for the barn used to dry your family's exotic cash crops.

Through long-practiced habit, you remove your handkerchief from its place in your belt as you draw close to the long, squat barn. You wrap the cloth over your face and tie it tight, just as the scent reaches your nose. The potent smell emanating from the barn carries a tingling lightheadedness with it; it probably addles our brains to boot, that'd explain a thing or two around here….
