You're confident there's no point in asking the innkeeper for special treatment. [+Melancholy] But as you scout around the grounds, you come across a large workman's shed, loaded with tools and with a straw-lined floor.

The pruning saws and hanging baskets in the shed suggest to you that there must be an orchard on the premises. Only a few minutes careful exploration reveals a few pear trees with early fruit and long rows of fig trees and green peas on trusses. There's ample fallen produce to scramble up that you can make a meal without (much) light-fingered work right off the plants.

You sigh as you settle back in the shed with your blanket and your food, tucking yourself out of sight behind the door. Not a terrible way to pass an evening, you think. You have the restive peace you need for some deep contemplation. [+Sagacity]

Sleep finally settles on you, despite straw tickling your shoulder blades.
