With benefits to both arguments, the ideal way forward demands compromise.

"Indeed, with so few days 'til our debut, bona fide rehearsal cannot be neglected," you say with a hand out to Millicent. "But,"—here with a nod to Timshel—"Malodoro chose to assemble a large company, and the more effectively we can perform together; not as isolated players in sequence, but a real ensemble; the more we will comport to her vision as I understand it."

"Therefore?" demands Millicent.

Having summarized the problem, your wisdom completely deserts you with regard to a solution. "I just feel you both have a point," you conclude, inconclusively. [-Surety]

"Thank you," says Timshel brightly, having heard only the part he wanted to hear. "Today we will dedicate to games, with noses to the grindstone from tomorrow out. Compromise is the coin of the realm—well done, Bandochel, for helping us recognize that."

The other company members—especially Millicent—mutter and glare at you as Timshel herds you into a circle. The compromise you helped foster was for Timshel to get his way completely. [-Company]
