The remainder of the performance whisks along, quicker than you would have believed possible. At each step of the way, your fellows are counting on you to facilitate costume changes, ensure properties are where they belong, and ensure seamless transitions from one act to the next.

The coordinated nature of the performances makes your work even more valuable, since you can track a multiplicity of factors more readily than any of your onstage collaborators.


A high point, as far as the audience is concerned, falls as Moargen stages a dance to Millicent's thrilling narration. The winsome youth has the audience mesmerized in a flowing shirt and tight breeches, enough such that the hall fills with cheers even as the dancer ducks out of the horseshoe for a quick swap of costume jewelry.

You open your mouth with words of encouragement but stop short when you see the look on her face.

"My breeches—they're going to burst," she says.

You blink and look down at the curve of Moargen's hip where she indicates. Indeed, a seam is threadbare and ripping. Any great strain—such as the leaps and leg-lifts you know full well the dancer is planning in the next segment—will give the audience a thrill indeed. What a time for a wardrobe malfunction….