It's a fine cool evening for a performance, with the salty ocean air toothsome in your mouth and nose as you take your seat. Each of the arched benches in the amphitheater is about two-thirds full; a rather respectable turning-out.

Gwendell's piece is first; a rather highly wrought adaptation of the ancient Jennelia, about the mad oracle who is disdained by the residents of Thypnos until she proves herself by leaping into a soon-to-erupt volcano and quells the catastrophe with her sacrifice.

"An interesting talent, ever since first we met," Millicent says at the interlude when the piece concludes. "I for one appreciate that she chose to explore whether or not Jennelia's act was in fact a divinely influential sacrifice, or a manifestation of madness that had no effect on the volcano at all."

As the company debates its merits, you keep your thoughts to yourself: