"Tra da, as they say," Tom says with a lopsided smile, holding up his work at last.

He walks out with you to the simian's cage and demonstrates how the new harness and leash will work.

"These straps should make an X across Brute's chest. You can use these two buckles to adjust it, fine and snug. See how they connect to the solid back panel?" He flips the ensemble over and taps his finger against the center of the leather rectangle, where a braided leash has been grommeted in place.

"Once it's tightened, as long as you keep a good grip on the cord, your friend should stay nearby."

"How good my grip is will depend on how hard you pull away, won't it?" you croon, leaning over the cage.

You stroke Brute's fingers briefly as the beast reaches up to you, hooting once or twice.

"I'm grateful for your work here," you tell Tom with genuine feeling, shaking his hand.

He gives you a polite smile and a firm handshake.

"If you need a longer cord, just let me know. Come back anytime."