Her eyes widen. "Quite the dreamer, to have risen to the Royal Palace and have your ambitions run further yet!"

You dip your head in acknowledgment. The way you see it, there's no meaningful conflict between pursuing fame with the Bardbrood and your courtly duties. Any success you realize in the popular imagination, after all, will only redound to the glory of the Court.

Kitty smooths out her doublet. "You'll have no difficulties encountering fellow fools who count the Bardbrood their artistic home in Hondelet," she says with a shrug. "But from what I know, Raphael himself is more elusive. You will encounter him if he cares to be encountered."

"Just as secretive as The Muse, then?"


You wave the last question away with a smile, proffering words of thanks. Though not unhelpful, she clearly does not travel in the proper circles to get you the answers you seek.
