If you are a mouse before these foxes today, they shall make a meal of you for the rest of your tenure. You take a deep breath. Come what may, you will not let them treat you like refuse. [+Surety]

Members of the Court hoot at you at first, but the noise quiets as you begin to talk toward the royal dais. King Saul lowers his document and Queen Hero her soup spoon as you do.

Your thoughts flow smoothly from your head, wisely articulated as you can manage.

"Your Majesties," you say, dipping your head to the King and Queen in turn. "Lord Bisqueath contends that your subjects who dwell on the coast, as I have done for some years, are unwholesome rakes. Were I impure, my contagion might pose a risk to thy royal health. If you share his honorable concern, I will dutifully render myself to the master of physic for immediate inspection. If you trust, instead, that thy honorable subjects who happen to live within a breath's span of the ocean are not lepers of the night, to coin a phrase, then I will humbly await thy alternate instruction."

Silence Reigns