They stretch long limbs towards the ceiling, then set their empty mug down on the bar. "I'm not feeling one for crowds just right now," they say, "but I'd welcome some company. Walk with me?"

Just then, a jolly cheer from the center of the public-house draws your attention. You can see one of the actors in your company—the tallest man you've ever met, incidentally—rising up amidst the throng. "Ladies and gentlemen, for your consideration—the Tarantalong!"

The crowd surges with oohs and huzzahs. The Tarantalong is a song-and-dance routine from the Crinoline Isles that's grown wildly popular in the last year.

You try to conceal a sigh. You're a great fan of the ridiculous dance, and should love to join in the festivities. What's more, building up some camaraderie with your generally wary fellow players would make the final days of your grand tour more pleasant.

"Go on," says the hunter in a quiet voice, their hands folded at their waist. "I can see where you want to be."

You hesitate.