"Sing, O sing the tale to me of Jesterel the Worm,

A fool who set the ants to laugh with each diverting squirm.

The beetle-King did suffer Jay to wriggle in his court,

'Til all the wood did know him by the diamond drape he'd sport."

"Steady on," you say, putting a hand on Audrey's arm. Brute puts a hand on her arm too, for the fun of it, while Audrey raises a finger and continues.

"A moth there was, with lissome wings and wit as bright as sun,

Who to the wood fatigued and hungry did one evening come.

The stranger's shining talent looked to Jesterel a threat,

And so the wriggler mocked and slimed the proud moth 'til she went.

Hi, Ho, Jesterel

The worm-fool of the dell!"

Five Verses Later