Bile steams through your body, cleaning out the passages of worry and half-heartedness. [+Bile] To attain the heights you wish, you cannot afford to turn down an opportunity for such tremendous advantage with such a patron.

Lord Bisqueath is delighted, to say the least. [+Bisqueath]

"Having thy promise of support in hand, I shall begin to open doors for thee."

Bisqueath proceeds to fill you in that, when Northerners like Lady Hotfoot feast and do business with other clans, 'tis customary for the first night to involve a grand "Duel of Fools."

"As gladiators of old, you and the Gramercys' fool, Baggage, will share a stage and demonstrate whose wit or thespian acumen reigns supreme." He pulls a face. "A raucous affair, to be sure, with insults and quips hurtled quick as can be. A carefully spelled-out message is the key to bringing victory and honor to your house. Some fools build up their own masters' graces; others tear down the reputations of the stately guests; others simply limit themselves to ad hominem broadsides against the other fool.

"Think carefully about how thou'lt carry thyself, for thou shalt scarcely find thyself on a more consequential stage."

You're certainly glad to know that the event is going to thrust you front and center as a champion competing for the honor of Brenton's throne. Much better to walk into that with eyes open, you think.

If Bisqueath's information is at all accurate, you'll be grateful for it. It remains to be seen if it'll be worth the price he's asked you to pay….
