The greatest source of strain shows in your relationship with Audrey. After only one outing with you, early on, she refuses to come again. "You're apt to get me dismissed, carrying on that way," she says, uncomfortable with how raucous you become.

You're confident that it's really jealousy, since you have no difficult meeting and spending time with new people on your outings, which she seemed to view as a personal affront. Your mouth twists as you think of it. You can understand why she'd want to be the one and only person on whom you focus, but how can you, at the very height of your success, limit yourself to spending the little free time you have within the tame confines of a single relationship?

It's not as if you want to stop seeing Audrey; but if she doesn't appreciate that celebrating is a part of who you want to be, then perhaps a gradual parting of ways is best. [-Audrey]

As The Weeks Track On