The details emerge through King Saul's low-voiced narration. Gallibran, a small village on the northern edge of Ponteroy province, is one of the uppermost habitations still on Crown Land. Last evening, dozens of soldiers from the Gramercy clan appeared and filtered through the town, demanding tribute. The townsfolk naturally objected, seeing as such taxes as they pay filter directly into the Crown coffers.

So rebuffed, the soldiers drew their blades.

"Only two are dead, so says the text," His Majesty sighs, putting the paper down on his table. "With many others wounded or made lame. A share of goods from every home was claimed—and this with winter coming weeks away."

"But why by God's green earth would Hotfoot strike her neighbors like a common highwayman?"

"An outrage, pure and simple!"

"What an act!"

King Saul stares at the floor as his advisors rail against the news.

You catch Lord Bisqueath's eye as your memories of the secret conference between King Saul and Lady Gramercy, called Hotfoot, return to the fore. What did they discuss, when it came to the distribution of Crown Lands? Is't possible His Majesty knew this threat could come?

"What say you, Bandochel?" His Majesty calls out unexpectedly.
