In The Darkness known as Despair

In The Darkness known as Despair

In the darkness of despair that Xanu had fallen into, only endless cries of agony and. misery accompanied her in this lonely path of darkness with no hope in sight.

She wailed and wailed feeling a myriad of painful emotions, it was as if her heart was being torn apart thousands of times into several tiny pieces, her chest hurt and her entity body was covered in sweat..

She felt like she was going to break down if this continued, any moment now however in her deepest despair a soft hand grasped her shoulders sending a wave of strange energy overflowing with peace and calmness her way.

Making her feel like the bright sun had finally chased the darkness and illuminated her soul!

It was the most ecstatic feeling she had ever felt since the day she opened her eyes, she felt love as deep as the ocean yet pure and tender like filial love.