Spear - Fishing - Chapter 4

After two hours of walking in the forest, Alan found a small cave and a small river pretty close to the cave.

The cave was not too big or too small, just big enough for three people to fit at the same time.

After inspecting the small cave a little bit, he believed this was the place he must stay for the night.

He picks up some tree branches from the ground to use as a container for water. He carries some water from the river to the cave, and after everything is finished,

He takes a deep breath and then thinks.

"The cave is a good hiding place. I can block the entrance with a big rock and have enough water in the cave. "

"Before going into the cave for the night, I still have some time."

"It is best for me to try to find some food."

The food was not an emergency need for Marcus. But he still, as a human, did not want to get hungry. Having time on his hands, he believes that he should look for something to eat.

Alan does not have enough experience when it comes to hunting. Not to mention, he does not have tools or weapons for hunting.

At the same time, keep in mind that the survival phase will only last three days, and the first day is almost up. There is no need for him to hunt a big animal.

After thinking for some time, Alan decides to try fishing with a spear.

Using his blade, he cut some branches of the tree and made their tips sharp enough to penetrate the fish.

He never used a spear to fish, but it should not be that hard.

Taking his spear and blade with him, he slowly walks towards the river.

The river was not big, but not small either. The current is strong and Alan believes that with some focus he will be able to hunt at least one fish.

He crouches down and looks at the river and tries to see fish. In just two to three minutes, he saw fish big enough for him to stay saturated for one day.

"At least I know that there are fish in this river."

He thought.

Without too much of a thought, he takes a deep breath and points his crafted spear at the river.

He is not experienced but is no fool. He understands that he must be patient and gradually focus on the fish.

These kinds of things are common knowledge to everyone who has watched a TV documentary about fishing with a spear.

Alan waited for his chance, and the chance had come to him.


Alan used his spear to penetrate the river current.


A spear penetrates the current and the fish swim in the river with ease.

Alan, happy with his success, smiles and nods.

His confidence increases a lot.

Without waiting too long, he takes the skewered fish to his cave and starts working on the matter of lighting up a campfire for cooking the fish and more warmth.

With his increased confidence, Alan manages to light up a campfire using his memories from Earth.

Using his spear, he slowly cooks the fish. At the same time, the day was over, and the forest was submerged in complete darkness.

Alan, who is waiting for his fish to cook, starts to hear different kinds of sounds from the forest outside of his cave.

As the night falls, many nocturnal monsters, animals, and hunters start to walk and look for something to eat for themselves.