How Can He Do This To You?


I let out a small sigh as I look out the window of my office. It has been a month since my return to Daedoeshi, Earth, as CEO of Vaumyr and Co.. Denzyl has taken up the role as my personal bodyguard and hardly leaves my side...which I can't say I don't like.

Denzyl is reading a book on a couch in my office while I have been looking at a screen all day. My neck is sore, so I decide to take a break. Unlike my plan, my break somehow turns into me just watching Denzyl read. My "break" is interrupted, however, when Astrid, my secretary, calls my desk's screen.

"Mr. Vaumyr, Wil Kossen is here to see you," Astrid informs me through the screen.

Denzyl's advanced hearing catches the name 'Wil' as soon as it is spoken. He puts down the book and comes to stand behind me.

"Thank you, Astrid." I keep myself steady as I end the call.

"Is it him?" Denzyl asks in a growl.

I nod and stand to my feet. Placing my hands in my pant pockets, I walk in front of my desk and lean against it. Denzyl stands next to me as the door to my office opens. I look up to see Wil waltz into the room wearing his usual, piercing gaze. Wil has not aged a day in the five decades; he has an ample supply of the anti-age drug. I wish he do the universe a favor and overdose.

"Devyn, it's good to see you. You finally decided to return from your...trip." Wil greets as his eyes trail up to the demon standing beside me protectively. "You didn't tell me you got a bodyguard."

"Would you also like me to tell you what I ate for breakfast?" I retort.

It does not take even a second for Wil to backhand me. "I thought I taught you to not back talk me."

Denzyl catches me as I fall against my desk. I hold out an arm to stop Denzyl as he starts toward Wil. I shake my head slightly, motioning him to stop. The demon unwillingly steps away from between Wil and I.

"You should stop running away from me, Devyn. My patience is running out. I will make you mine. Remember, your parents practically gave you to me. It was their dying wish to see us married. We can't let their last wish stay unfulfilled, can we?" By this time, Wil has lifted my chin so I am forced to look at him.

I watch as Denzyl's eyes turn red and his hand starts to smoke. He takes a step forward as the door flings open. I let out a sigh as I see Miren rush in. Denzyl cools down and steps in between Wil and me, confidently staring down the blonde man: a feat no being has done and lived to see the next day.

"Miren, I thought I told you to not disturb me when I'm with my fiancé!" Wil says in annoyance towards the woman.

"My apologies." Miren bows. She shoots Wil a death glare as he turns back to me.

"We will continue some other time," he says before storming out.

Denzyl helps me stand as he asks, "How can he do this to you?"

"He's my fiancé who is very powerful. He's bribed nearly every official on Earth."

"How-how long has he been..."

"Since I was sixteen."

I quickly turn Denzyl's head away from Miren and into me as his eyes flash red. "Calm down, Denzyl. Please."

"Are you okay, Devyn?" Miren asks. "I rushed over here when I heard Wil was coming."

"I'm okay. Thank you, Miren."

Denzyl lifts his head once he has calmed down, opening his beautiful grey eyes and thanking Miren for coming.

"Of course, Denzyl," Miren says softly. "Ah! There was one thing I needed to tell you. Kilo and Castyr are missing. They think they fell from Heaven...again. They could be anywhere, but I thought I'd let you know."

"Is it related to the breach? I heard Heaven was attacked."

"Yes. Castyr's residence was broken into."

My heart sinks as I think of the young angel and small star.

"Maybe I can help find them," Denzyl offers as he sees my worried expression.

I look at Denzyl with admiration. "Would you? Castyr is so small, and Kilo is still young, and they're all alone."

"Of course," Denzyl agrees.

"The sun is setting. Do you think you could check the city? I know that it's a long shot, but-"

"Don't worry. I'll find them," Denzyl says comfortingly.

I sigh and smile, "Thank you."

Denzyl nods before going to search the city. I see him stop by Astrid's desk as he exits my office. My newly sensitive ears are barely able to make out Denzyl's low growl.

"Do not let Wil in without getting approval from me." The demon lingers over the frightened secretary and shows her his true eyes.

Did that tall turd just flash my secretary?! We will have to talk about this when he gets back. I shake my head before returning to the miles and miles of work.


Hmm. The scent of an angel and star. What does an angel smell like? What scent does a star have? I have never even met an angel much less a star. I guess just search for anything that is not human? But then you have gilman, roldran, myths, golothian, gahen, and hundreds more. So...I guess anything...Heaven-like? But what does Heaven smell like? Ah! Whatever, just search for anything that seems ethereal.

I walk down the long streets of Daedoeshi, sifting through the endless scents. I leave the artsy district of cafes, parks, studios, and galleries surrounded in a warm glow and enter the raunchy area: the domain of vibrant lights and colors. The sun has already set, so the colors are popping and the music is blaring. I dull my other senses and focus only on smell as I mill through the incapacitated crowd.

It is the strong musky honey scent that first catches my attention. The scent is soaked in adrenaline and fear. I zero in on this scent to find a warm, airy scent intertwined with it. Whether it is the angel and star or not, they are in trouble.

I turn to my right and begin following the two scents. The scents lead me to a less-populated area of the district where my ears pick up the sounds of fighting.

Running, I dash to the mouth of a dead end. A body greets me at the opening. Stepping over the body, I walk over to a silver-haired guy lying in the arms of a black-haired man. The black-haired looks up suddenly as he sees me, stunning me with his purple eyes. His eyes fill with fear as he smells my scent.

I hold out my hands carefully as the man starts scooting away and covers the silver-haired. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," I say softly.

Black wings suddenly sprout from the black-haired's back as he stands and lifts the silver-haired in his arms. He's an angel! "Kilo?" I ask as he turns around to fly away.

The man stops and slowly turns around. "Do you know me?" He inquires cautiously.

"Is this Castyr?" I gesture to the silver-haired.

The man tightens his hold around the silver-haired and rolls him into his chest. I sigh with relief at the angel's confirmation.

"I found you. Thank Hades. Come with me. I can get you someplace safe."

The black-haired just stands and stares at me apprehensively. "Why should I trust you? You're a demon."

"Devyn sent me."

The angel's eyes widen at the name of the human. "Devyn? Is he alright?"

"He is now. He is back at his company."

" this is Earth?"

"Mm hmm. Welcome to Daedoeshi."

Daedoshi is on the side of Earth opposite of Harlim, so it did not get affected much during the fifty years. It is still the big, thriving city it was before everything began.

" coming?"

The angel looks down at the star in his arms before looking back up at me.

"He looks like he needs medical attention." The angel still hesitates, so I add, "Devyn has a private doctor." Still no response. Ahhhh...why do you make me talk so much? "No one will know you are here expect Devyn and me...oh, and Miren."

"We'll go. Help him, please."

I admire the kid. He's got some guts trusting a demon he has just met. I nod and lead the angel to Vaumyr and Co..