
The only thing keeping them away from the maddening crowd of slowly dispersing dissenters, was a thick electronic metal fence that encompassed the massive courtyard.

No one dared to get too close to it for fear of being electrocuted.

General Aquinas and Cyril were missing in action so Zyra could only assume they had been a part of the team that had escorted Prince Sverre to safety.

She didn't know much about the Prince to feel anything about the attempted assasination but she didn't dislike him either.

Hell, from the little time she spent with him she liked him a lot more than his older brother Prince Kallan.

Who clearly needed to cut back on the sweets because he looked a little pudgy in his clothes.

The fact that he didn't hide his disinterest and distaste of humans only added to her ire. His loyal Aguatian guards followed his lead and ignored them too.