
"How is he?" Zyra asked.

"He has a fever, I've tried every herb that me and Kit gathered yesterday but nothing seems to work so far," Nyla said with frustration. "I can't think of anything else." 

Zyra dipped her finger in the water and signaled to Kit, "Fetch some fresh water, it needs to be a bit cooler than this current temperature which is just too warm."

His forehead was hot to her touch even though she watched Nyla mop her lover's perspiring brow.

Nyla said she woke up next to him that morning his skin was even hotter to the touch than the night before.

Kit responded to the urgency in Zyra's voice and grabbed a few canteens.

He hurried down to the lake to do some refills.

Zyra was really proud of how Kit was maturing and stepping up to the plate.

He had become more reliable and confirmed her belief that she made the right decision in selecting him to join their team.