
Leon considered himself seven times a fool for getting himself into this mess in the first place.

He could have gone and gotten help from others instead of trying to play superhero and do it all on his own and now no one would have a clue that he had been taken by his will.

Another time he tried to make a run for it when their backs were turned, he managed to get a few feet before they noticed he was gone.

Leon was determined to never give up for the sake of his family he would keep trying.

He reeked of desperation and he didn't care who smelled it as long as it got him the desired result.

The soldiers wondered how he still had so much fighting spirit in him and they were determined to punish and beat it out of his system.

He had been badly beaten, he had been zapped with bolts of electricity going through his body at one point.

He was shoved into the back of a truck and he wasn't alone.