
"Verity, why are you ignoring me?"

"Quit goading me, you've been away for months and we never heard anything from you and now you come up in here issuing orders like you own this base, quit goading my temper Zyra and leave me the hell alone."

That was not the reaction she was expecting from Verity at all.

As much as she wanted to blame Pierre for this lukewarm greeting she was getting from her friend.

Zyra knew the onus was on her to try harder. 

She had thought Pierre her friend and a great leader but now she felt otherwise.

Maybe he was paying Zyra back for all the times she questioned Pierre's leadership and overstepped her bounds.

It was clear everyone at the base still looked up to Pierre as a good role model and example to follow.

Zyra frowned, she was basically on her own here.

To her Pierre might be a horrible man but to others Pierre hung the stars in the sky.
