
"Where is Thomas?" asked Bruno.

He couldn't believe all this confusion happened while he was getting his rocks off. The base was now in utter chaos and nothing was going to plan. Thomas had some explaining to do he was supposed to keep Pierre and his men busy while he secured the base.

"We left him behind with the woman but if she's here and he isn't he's probably dead."

The man confirmed his thoughts, he too knew that if Thomas wasn't heard he was probably dead. SInce he never would have missed out on the opportunity to see Pierre falter and lose everything he held dear. 

To think that Pierre was betrayed by his friend and confidant not one but twice. He had a viper in his den the whole time and he never knew. He would have felt pity for the fool if he wasn't now standing in the way of his freedom by interfering with his hostile takeover of the base.

"Did you get the artifact?"

"Yes, we did."