
Two large black paws battered against the windows out of anger at being contained. It had four fingers on each front paw, and lacked opposable thumbs. She couldn't see its feet but if it was anything like the paws its claws were probably sharp enough to rip a human in shreds.

Zyra leaned back thinking it was a hulking black bear until it brought its face into the light and she saw its hideous face was revealed to be that of a rat, a ratbeast. She could only stare in horror at this hideous ratbeast trying to destroy the window. 

She stared dumbstruck at the ratbeast in mounting horror, rats were nasty creatures. Zyra hated them while living on the outskirts, she always had the sinking fear that one would crawl out of the sewers and sneak into her house to bite her fingers off while she slept.